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Adults (12+)
Children (2-11)
Infants (under 2)
Sky dive 01
Sky dive 02
Sky dive 03
Sky dive 04
Sky dive 05
Sky dive 06

SkyDive Jersey

About Jersey Skydive

Experience an adrenaline rush like no other! Enjoy Jersey’s golden sandy beaches and lush green valleys whilst travelling through the air at 120 mph and landing on the soft sands of St Aubins Bay, the only beach landing spot in the British Isles. Jersey Skydive is affiliated with British Skydiving and offers tandem and solo jumps from its aircraft. Soar over the Atlantic waves and enjoy the breath-taking views of the Island from 10,000 feet above whilst freefalling for 30 seconds. This experience can also be purchased as a gift with prices starting from £390.

Skydive Jersey

PO Box 88, Jersey, JE4 9PF
Telephone: 01534 747 710 or 07797 813 944
Email: info@skydive.je
Website: https://skydivejersey.net
